




New research findings have once again emerged from the lab of Prof. Dr. Dr. Florian Mormann! Together with colleagues from RWTH Aachen, Marcel Kehl, a doctoral student in Florian’s research team, has investigated how individual neurons in the human brain play a role in the process of smelling and recognizing scents. His work has now been published in the renowned journal Nature. Congratulations! The researchers discovered that specific neurons in the olfactory cortex respond to specific smells—even when there is no actual scent present, but simply an image or word linked to the smell is shown. The perception of the scent is then processed in another brain region, the amygdala. These research findings are particularly significant because, until now, most studies on the sense of smell have relied on animal studies. This marks the first time that investigations have been conducted on individual neurons in humans to study olfaction For more details, check out our newsroom or read the original paper!


We have created an information package for patients and their families on the topic of epilepsy and depression. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for both diagnoses to occur together. PD Dr. Christian Hoppe, a neuropsychologist in our Department, explains how to recognize depression, its causes, what can be done to address it, and how to prevent it. You can choose to read the information or watch it in an explanatory video.


In our second podcast episode, we previously discussed treatment options for epilepsy and epileptic seizures. That was 1.5 years ago, and now we want to take another look: What has changed in therapy? What has proven effective? What innovations are on the horizon? Prof. Dr. Rainer Surges provides a detailed overview of the therapeutic options for epilepsy in a conversation with Simone Claß. Do you have a question about epilepsy and seizures that we should answer in one of our upcoming podcast episodes? Or would you simply like to give us feedback on the "Scharfe Welle" podcast? If so, reach out to us by email at: We look forward to hearing from you!


Sina Mackay, a PhD student in the "Cognitive and Clinical Neurophysiology" research group led by Professor Dr. Dr. Florian Mormann in our Department, has published an article in the renowned journal Nature Communications together with colleagues on the role of specialized nerve cells in memory formation. Congratulations to Sina, Florian, and everyone else who contributed to the research!


And now we present the next video on YouTube. In this quick tutorial, we'll show you how to put on the EEG cap and attach the electrodes after measuring the electrode placement. A big thank you to Annett for the demonstration and to Jan for patiently sitting still!


In this episode, we take you on a tour of the Department of Epileptology at the University Hospital Bonn, and provide you with a glimpse into daily life on the ward. Maria Schruff, the head of our Video-EEG Monitoring Department, and Alexander Sieben, the acting Head Nurse of our Foerster Ward, share insider stories with us, chatting about what they love about their work and the daily challenges they face. Listen in and learn what a typical day in our Department looks like, what our inpatients can expect, and why the unpredictability of epilepsy and seizures can sometimes disrupt our plans and lead to changes and delays. Do you have a question about epilepsy and seizures that we should answer in one of our upcoming podcast episodes? Or would you simply like to give us feedback on the "Scharfe Welle" podcast? If so, reach out to us by email at: We look forward to hearing from you! We are also searching for additional nursing staff for our Foerster Ward. If you’re interested in joining our team and gaining experience with the diverse and exciting daily routine in our Department, please get in touch with us!


On our YouTube channel, you will find a brand new explanatory video demonstrating how to measure the electrode placement in the 10-20 EEG electrode system.


Many epilepsy patients, just like healthy individuals, long to have a family with children. But is this possible? Can you become pregnant while taking seizure-suppressant medication? What risks are associated with childbirth? Is a caesarean section necessary? And what is the likelihood that the newborn will also be affected by epilepsy? In this episode, we speak with our Managing Senior Physician, PD Dr. Randi von Wrede, about the epilepsy-related issues surrounding the desire to have children, pregnancy and childbirth. The Head of the Outpatient Clinic here at our Department of Epileptology discusses the most important concerns of those affected and their partners, what should be considered, and why she encourages couples affected by epilepsy to decide to become parents in most cases. Do you have a question about epilepsy and epileptic seizures that we should answer in one of our next podcast episodes? Or would you just like to give us feedback on the "Scharfe Welle" podcast? Then contact us by email at:


In this podcast episode, we're pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Alexandra Philipsen, the Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy which is located here at the University Hospital Bonn, along with Dr. Max Pensel, a neurologist and prospective specialist who also works at the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Together, we'll discuss seizures that mimic epileptic episodes and are sometimes misdiagnosed as epilepsy, but are not actually due to epilepsy. These functional or dissociative seizures can stem from psychological stressors such as childhood trauma. At the University Hospital Bonn, the Department of Epileptology and the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy join forces to offer comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic support to individuals affected by these non-epileptic seizures. We'll explore this topic more extensively in our "Scharfe Welle" podcast. Do you have a question about epilepsy and epileptic seizures that we should answer in one of our next podcast episodes? Or would you just like to give us feedback on the "Scharfe Welle" podcast? Then contact us by email at:


On June 19, 2024, PD Dr. Franziska Thaler from the Institute for Clinical Neuroimmunology at the University Hospital Munich was our guest. As part of the Bonn Epilepsy Seminar, she presented a lecture on the topic, "Deciphering the humoral immune response in GAD65-Ab associated neurological disorders." As always, we asked our guest our three questions afterwards: How did she become interested in epilepsy? What are the special features of the diagnosis and treatment of immune-mediated neurological diseases? And what are the three most important things that neurologists should know about GAD65 antibody-associated diseases?


We are seeking the best published (or accepted) work in the fields of basic research and clinical research. The winners will be selected by an external jury. Each prize, generously provided by the Verein zur Förderung der Epilepsieforschung e.V. (Bonn), is endowed with €1,000 for personal use. The application deadline is August 31, 2024.


On June 5, 2024, we had the honor of hosting Prof. Dr. Matthias J. Koepp from the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London (UK). He presented an engaging lecture as part of the Bonn Epilepsy Seminar titled, "How Brain MRI Helps to Understand and Treat Epilepsy." Following his insightful talk, we had the opportunity to ask him our customary three questions: How did he first become involved in the field of epilepsy? What unique characteristics define the care of epilepsy patients in the UK? And what are the three most crucial things neurologists should know about the role of MRI imaging in epilepsy?


On May 22, 2024, Prof. Dr. Helen Cross from the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health in London (UK) was our guest. She delivered a lecture as part of the Bonn Epilepsy Seminar on the topic "Mechanisms of the Ketogenic Diet," and, as always, we were able to ask her our three questions afterward: How did she become involved in epilepsy? What unique aspects characterize the care of epilepsy patients in the UK? And what are the three most important insights she would like to convey to neurologists regarding the ketogenic diet?


In this very special episode, Prof. Dr. Rainer Surges and Simone Claß speak with Dr. Iris Killinger. After the tragic death of her son Oskar due to SUDEP, Dr. Killinger and her husband founded the Oskar Killinger Foundation to raise awareness about SUDEP risks and prevention. With remarkable candor, Dr. Killinger shares her story, reflecting on the pain of losing her son, her initial lack of knowledge about SUDEP, and the mission that now drives her and her team in their foundation's efforts. Visit the homepage of the Oskar Killinger Foundation SUDEP = Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. You can also find a dedicated episode on the topic of SUDEP in "Scharfe Welle" (Episode 5). Do you have a question about epilepsies and epileptic seizures that you would like us to address in one of our upcoming podcast episodes? Or would you simply like to provide feedback on "Scharfe Welle"? Then contact us via email at  


On May 15, 2024, we had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Max J. Hilz from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York. As part of the Bonn Epilepsy Seminar, he delivered a compelling lecture on "Autonomic Dysfunction in Epilepsy and Other Central Nervous System Disorders." After his presentation, we had the chance to pose our customary, yet slightly modified, three questions: How did he become involved in epilepsy research? What unique aspects define the training of neurologists in the USA? And what are the three most crucial insights he would like to share with neurologists about functional autonomic disorders?  


On May 8, 2024, we had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Chris Tailby from Australia, from The Florey Melbourne Brain Centre in Heidelberg (Victoria). Dr. Tailby presented a lecture at the Bonn Epilepsy Seminar on "Applications of fMRI in epilepsy neuropsychology." Following his presentation, we engaged in our customary post-lecture discussion, and posed three questions to our guest: How did he first venture into epilepsy research? What unique aspects characterize epilepsy patient care in Australia? Lastly, what three key insights would he share with neurologists regarding fMRI applications in neuropsychology for epilepsy?


In this episode, Prof. Dr. Alexandra Klotz joins "Scharfe Welle" as a guest. She is the new Director of the Department of Neuropediatrics and the Social Pediatric Center (SPZ) at the University Hospital Bonn. The neuropediatrician, focusing on epileptology, discusses with us various topics including how she entered the field of neuropediatrics and epilepsy, the differences between childhood epilepsy and that in adults, and the challenges of diagnosing childhood epilepsies. We also delve into the role of genetic causes in childhood epilepsies, the definition of epilepsy syndromes, and the potential promise of epilepsy surgeries for children. Do you have a question about epilepsies and epileptic seizures that you would like us to address in one of our upcoming podcast episodes? Or would you simply like to provide feedback on "Scharfe Welle"? Then contact us via email at  We look forward to hearing from you!


On April 10, 2024, Prof. Dr. Markus Reuber from the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield (UK) visited us as a guest. He presented a lecture at the Bonn Epilepsy Seminar titled, "Links between trauma, dissociative seizures, and general health." Following his presentation, as customary, we had the opportunity to ask our guest three questions: How did he become involved with epilepsy? What are the specific aspects of epilepsy patient care in England? And what are the three most important points he would like to communicate to neurologists regarding the relationships between trauma, dissociative seizures, and overall health?


In this episode of "Scharfe Welle," we delve into the topic of depression, which can manifest as a comorbid condition with epilepsy. PD Dr. Christian Hoppe, a psychologist at the Department of Epileptology, works closely with epilepsy patients on a daily basis, providing him with a deep understanding of the nuances of depression within this context. Throughout this podcast episode, he engages in a discussion with Prof. Dr. Rainer Surges and Simone Claß, shedding light on why depression may arise in epilepsy, available treatment options, and, most importantly, the necessity of taking depression seriously and addressing it in individuals with neurological conditions. Do you have a question about epilepsies and epileptic seizures that you would like us to address in one of our upcoming podcast episodes? Or would you simply like to provide feedback on "Scharfe Welle"? Then contact us via email at  We look forward to hearing from you!


In this podcast episode, Rainer Surges and Simone Claß talk with PD Dr. Theodor Rüber, who researches the causes and mechanisms of epileptic seizures using imaging techniques. Discover how patients can diagnostically benefit from new imaging techniques and how artificial intelligence can contribute, both now and in the future, to consolidate diverse clinical parameters of epilepsies for a beneficial evaluation for those affected. Do you have a question about epilepsies and epileptic seizures that you would like us to address in one of our upcoming podcast episodes? Or would you simply like to provide feedback on "Scharfe Welle"? Then contact us via email at  We look forward to hearing from you!


Spatial navigation and spatial memory play a central role in our lives. Without these abilities, we would have difficulty navigating our environment and recalling past events. However, the neuronal foundations of spatial memory are far from fully understood. A research group led by Prof. Dr. Dr. Lukas Kunz, who works in our Department, has gained other new insights into this. Together with scientists from New York and Freiburg, he has discovered that various types of nerve cells work together during spatial memory and are coordinated by brain waves ("ripples"). The results have now been published in the journal, "Nature Neuroscience."


On this day, efforts are made to raise awareness of the insufficient care and acceptance for people with epilepsy worldwide. Discover why Professor Dr. Rainer Surges and his team find it crucial to discuss epilepsy and interact with those affected.


On January 31, 2024, Gilles Huberfeld from Hôpital Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild in Paris was our guest. He presented a lecture on "Epilepsy mechanism study from human tissues," and as always, we had the opportunity to ask our guest three questions afterwards: How did he become involved in epilepsy research? What are the peculiarities in France regarding the care of epilepsy patients? And what are the three most important things we can learn from research on human tissues about epilepsy?


In this episode, we delve into the realm of technology and the future!  Prof. Rainer Surges and Simone Claß welcome Prof. Björn Krüger, Head of the Workgroup, “Personalized Digital Health and Telemedicine,” and Arthur Jordan, a physician and developer of wearables, both from the Department of Epileptology at the University Hospital Bonn.  Together, they discussed mobile health technologies and wearable devices designed for patients with epilepsy. What parameters can the sensors in smartwatches and other wearables measure on the human body in order to, for example, warn of an epileptic seizure?  How advanced is the medicine in this area and what are the challenges in developing these types of medical devices?  Find out that and more in this podcast episode! Do you have a question concerning epilepsy and epileptic seizures that you would like us to address in one of our upcoming podcast episodes?  Or would you simply like to provide feedback on “Scharfe Welle”? Then contact us per email at .  We look forward to hearing from you!


On January 10, 2024, we had the pleasure of hosting Professor Gabriele Lignani from the UCL Institute of Neurology in the Department of Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy in London. He presented a lecture on "Gene therapy in epilepsy," and, as usual, we had the opportunity to pose three questions to our guest afterward: How did he become involved in epilepsy? What distinctive features characterize the care of epilepsy patients in the United Kingdom? What are the three most crucial aspects of gene therapy for epilepsy that neurologists should be aware of?


The Department of Epileptology wishes you Happy Holidays!


As the year draws to a close, we have every reason to celebrate, and not just because of the upcoming holidays: The Scharfe Welle is marking its first anniversary! This marks the 12th episode of our Bonn Epilepsy Podcast, where we look back on the past 2.5 years, from the initial idea of creating our own epilepsy podcast to today's one-year milestone. In this episode, Simone Claß and Professor Dr. Rainer Surges share behind-the-scenes insights, discuss podcasting and their experiences with it, and assure you that it will be entertaining! Enjoy this episode, which, as an exception, is not released on the last Thursday of the month but in time for the holidays on the second to last Thursday of the year 2023.


On November 22, 2023, Professor Maarten Titualer from the Department of Neurology at Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands, was our guest. He delivered a lecture on the topic "Autoantibodies and epilepsy: real or rare?" As always, following his presentation, we had the opportunity to pose our three questions to our guest: How did he become involved with epilepsy? What peculiarities exist in the Netherlands regarding the care of epilepsy patients? And what are the three most important things about autoimmune encephalitis that neurologists should be aware of?


On October 28, 2023, the 3rd Bonn Epilepsy Forum was held at the University Hospital Bonn. This epilepsy-focused event was organized by the North Rhine-Westphalian State Association of the German Epilepsy Association in collaboration with the Department of Epileptology at the University Hospital Bonn. The "Scharfe Welle" team was also in attendance, gathering your questions about the condition to address them in this podcast episode. Questions such as whether epilepsy dogs can predict seizures, why new anti-seizure medications are often initially approved only for the treatment of rare diseases, and what constitutes sufficient sleep were discussed. In a conversation with Simone Claß, Professor Dr. Rainer Surges answers these and many other questions that you presented to us. Do you also have a question about epilepsy and epileptic seizures that you would like us to answer in one of our upcoming podcast episodes? Or do you simply want to provide feedback on the "Scharfe Welle"? Then get in touch via email at:


On November 8, 2023, we had the honor of hosting Professor Christoph Baumgartner from the Karl Landsteiner Institute for Clinical Epilepsy Research and Cognitive Neurology, as well as from Hietzing Hospital in Vienna, at our Bonn Epilepsy Seminar. During his presentation, Professor Baumgartner delved into the topic of focal signs in genetic generalized epilepsies. Following the seminar, he kindly addressed three questions regarding his passion for epilepsy, the state of epilepsy care in Austria, and his specific research focus.


Following a successful inaugural event last year, the University Hospital Bonn (UKB), the Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn, and the Medical Imaging Center Bonn (MIB) at UKB hosted the MIB Future Panel. Researchers, industry representatives, and start-ups were invited to the event. Approximately 200 guests enthusiastically engaged with the Medical Pitch participants on November 16, learning about the latest advancements in medical imaging during four informative sessions. PD Dr. Theodor Rüber participated and was honored with an award for his research project.


3rd Bonn Epilepsy Forum On October 28, 2023, the third Bonn Epilepsy Forum took place at the University Hospital Bonn, an event for people with epilepsy, their families, and those interested in the subject. The event was jointly organized by the North Rhine-Westphalia chapter of the German Epilepsy Association and the Department of Epileptology. During the event, the audience benefited from four informative presentations by experts from Bonn's Department of Epileptology, which covered a range of both innovative and well-established therapeutic methods. These included approaches involving neurostimulation, minimally invasive surgical procedures, ultrasound techniques, and medications. Furthermore, Thomas Porschen shared his invaluable insights, acquired over many years of dedicated involvement in epilepsy self-help, in his presentation. In the final segment of the program, attendees had the opportunity to engage with the experts on-site by posing a diverse array of questions related to the condition. These interactions spanned various topics, including discussions about the ketogenic diet, the hereditary aspects of epilepsy, vagus nerve stimulation, and the role of epilepsy service dogs. As part of the event, the Oskar-Killinger Foundation hosted an information booth on SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy) to raise awareness about this important issue. The staff from Bonn's epilepsy podcast, "Scharfe Welle," introduced themselves during the event. They gathered questions from attendees regarding epileptic seizures and epilepsy. These questions will be addressed by Prof. Dr. Rainer Surges in an upcoming podcast episode scheduled for release at the end of November. The third Bonn Epilepsy Forum in 2023 was a resounding success and will continue to be offered regularly at the University Hospital Bonn. We look forward to welcoming you to the next Bonn Epilepsy Forum in two years! 


On 18.10.2023, Prof. Anthony Marson from the Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Liverpool (UK) was our guest as part of the Bonn Epilepsy Seminar. In his presentation, he discussed the significance of pragmatic studies for enhancing the treatment of individuals with epilepsy. After the event, he answered our three questions regarding his interest in epilepsy, epilepsy care in the UK, and his field of research.


In this podcast episode, we talk with Florian Richter, a patient from our clinic, who underwent epilepsy surgery at the University Hospital Bonn over a year ago. He and his attending senior physician, Dr. Tobias Baumgartner, vividly describe the course of his illness, how the decision for the surgery was made, and the preparations that were undertaken for the procedure. Would you like to know how the surgery went and how Florian Richter is doing today?  Then tune in!


Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders in Germany. How do we treat seizures when medications don't work?  This question was posed to us by ZDF and was published as part of the ZDF program, "Volle Kanne."


When two, three, or four apples are in front of us, we quickly recognize how many there are. However, when there are five or more, we need significantly more time and are more often incorrect. In fact, the brain processes small quantities differently than large ones. This is supported by a recent study conducted by the Universities of Tübingen and Bonn, as well as the University Hospital Bonn. The results have been published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour.


There are numerous self-help groups and organizations dedicated to supporting individuals with epilepsy and their loved ones. Many of those affected are very committed to assisting others who are living with this condition. Thomas Porschen, our guest in today's podcast episode, is a prime example of a dedicated patient who has been actively engaged in self-help for many years. Within the global patient representation for epilepsy (website: International Bureau for Epilepsy), he serves as the contact person for Germany, holds the position of Deputy Chairman for European representation, and is the designated contact person for the Stop SUDEP campaign (website: Stop-SUDEP-Kampagne) of the Oskar-Killinger Foundation, where he acts as Patient Ambassador. Additionally, Thomas Porschen played a role in organizing one of the first events for epilepsy patients in Bonn and subsequently at other clinics. Advocating for increased awareness about epilepsy holds significant importance for him, and that's why we are very pleased to have him share his extensive experience in this podcast episode. If you'd like to meet Thomas Porschen in person, you will have an opportunity to do so on October 28th. On that day, in collaboration with the German Epilepsy Association and the Regional Association of NRW e.V., the 3rd Bonn Epilepsy Forum for Patients, Family Members, and Friends will be hosted at the University Hospital Bonn (UKB). You can access the program and registration information via the following link: 3. Bonner Epilepsieforum am 28.10.2023


On August 30, 2023, Prof. Daniel Friedman from the Langone Comprehensive Epilepsy Center (New York, USA) was our guest as part of a special edition of our Bonn Epilepsy Seminar. He discussed new therapies and study designs in the field of epilepsy. Prior to his lecture, he answered three questions for us concerning his interest in epilepsy and his field of research.  


In this podcast episode, our guest is PD Dr. Walid Fazeli, the Acting Head of the Department of Neuropaediatrics at the University Hospital Bonn. Prof. Dr. Rainer Surges and Simone Claß talk to him about Dravet syndrome, a genetically-based epilepsy syndrome that occurs in early childhood and is associated with epileptic seizures and developmental limitations. In this episode, learn about the course of Dravet syndrome, what the ongoing AUTONOMIC study on the disease is all about, and what new, promising therapeutic approaches might soon be available.


The AUTONOMIC study is currently taking place at the Department of Epileptology at the University Hospital Bonn. This study focuses on the developmental effects of Dravet syndrome on autonomic functions, specifically heart rhythm and breathing. The genetic alteration in Dravet syndrome can impact the heart and possibly the respiratory system. As a result, individuals with Dravet syndrome have a slightly higher risk of sudden death due to cardiac and respiratory arrest following an epileptic seizure compared to most other forms of epilepsy. A better understanding of these relationships is necessary in order to develop preventive measures for such deaths and to provide better information about the risk to patients and their families. Children (older than 6 years), adolescents, and adults with genetically confirmed Dravet syndrome can participate in the study. Participants are still being sought! If you are interested in participating in the study, whom can you contact? If you're interested in taking part in this study, we will schedule an appointment with you on an outpatient basis at the Department of Epileptology in Bonn. Alternatively, you can also arrange an appointment for a video consultation. Please contact our study coordinator, Ms. Ines Goebel () if you are interested.


An epilepsy surgical procedure can lead to complete seizure freedom in some epilepsy patients, and thus provide a curative (or healing) approach, unlike drug therapy. In this episode, Professor Rainer Surges and Simone Claß engage in a conversation with Professor Hartmut Vatter, Director of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University Hospital Bonn, about the possibilities of epilepsy surgery. Learn about the individuals who are viable candidates for surgical epilepsy treatment and gain insight into the planning and execution of this procedure.


On June 21, 2023, Dr. Youjiang Wang from the School of Computing at Newcastle University (UK) was a guest at our Bonn Epilepsy Seminar. She spoke about computational approaches to understanding seizure onset and propagation. After her presentation, we asked her three questions about her interest in epilepsy and her research field.


Professor Dr. Thomas Schultz from the Institute of Computer Science II at the University of Bonn and Priv.-Doz. Dr. Theodor Rüber from Department of Epileptology at the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) are the first winners of the Transdisciplinary Research Award, "Modelling for Life and Health" of the Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) "Modelling" and "Life & Health" at the University of Bonn. The prize, endowed with a grant of 120,000 euros, supports highly innovative research projects at the intersection of mathematics or computer science and research topics related to "Life and Health."


In this episode, Simone Claß and Prof. Dr. Rainer Surges speak with PD Dr. Michael Wenzel who, together with his scientific research group, is pioneering a revolutionary new approach to seizure control:  In the future, chemical "light switches" will be used to" turn on" active substances that inhibit seizure development directly at the seizure origin site in the brain. Does that sound incredible? Then listen in, because this podcast episode is guaranteed to shed light on the subject.


On June 14, 2023, Professor Alexis Arzimanoglou from the University Hospital Lyon, France, was our guest at the Bonn Epilepsy Seminar where he presented a very interesting lecture on childhood epilepsy syndromes.  Afterwards, we asked him our three obligatory questions concerning his career, the situation for epilepsy patients in France, and his three most important tips on the subject for neurologists.


On May 24, 2023, Prof. Annamaria Vezzani from the Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research in Milan, Italy, was our guest at the Bonn Epilepsy Seminar, where she gave an exciting lecture titled, "Inflammatory pathways as diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets in epilepsy." In a new video, she answers our three questions about her career path, the situation regarding the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy in Italy, and her research topic.


In this episode, Professor Dr. Rainer Surges and Simone Claß discuss a topic that is often ignored but deserves urgent attention: SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy) - the sudden and unexpected death of individuals with epilepsy. Discover the risk factors associated with SUDEP, learn strategies for reducing the risk, and gain insight into what the Head of the Department of Epileptology considers crucial when educating patients about SUDEP.


Since 1986, Prof. Dr. Christoph Helmstaedter has been working with us, leading the Department of Neuropsychology. He was ranked #89 among the best German researchers and #1109 among the best researchers worldwide in the field of Neuroscience by


His interest lies in elucidating the mechanisms responsible for spatial orientation and memory formation and in exploring how and why these functions are affected by certain conditions, such as epilepsy. In the interview, we asked him about his plans.


On 26.4.2023, Dr Roland Thijs from the Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands was our guest at the Bonn Epilepsy Seminar and presented an exciting lecture on epilepsy and syncope. Afterwards, we asked him three questions about his career, the particularities of epilepsy treatment in his home country and his research topic. We recorded his answers on video.


In this podcast episode, Prof. Dr. Rainer Surges and Simone Claß discuss some basic questions including:  What is actually an epileptic seizure?  What are the causes? When is epilepsy diagnosed? We shed light on this subject and explain some of the most important technical terms that patients and their relatives are regularly confronted with.


SAVE THE DATE! The second Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dissociative and Functional Disturbances held by the Department of Epileptology, the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, as well as the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, will take place on Saturday, 20.08.2023 from 09:00 until 15:30. Registration information and the program will be available shortly.


Professor Dr. Björn Krüger's focus is on the mobile and personalised collection of health data, which is also an increasingly relevant topic in epileptology.  For his introduction, he answered a few questions for us.


In this podcast episode, Simone Claß meets with Prof. Dr. Rainer Surges and senior physician Dr. Tobias Baumgartner to discuss the three-country conference on epilepsy, which took place on March 15-18, 2023 in Berlin. This conference is organized every two years by the German and Austrian Society for Epileptology and the Swiss Epilepsy League; it is also the most important specialist event on epilepsy in the German-speaking world. Among other things, we discuss the top issues of the conference, the interesting event formats, and also the social aspect of such congresses.


On February 15, 2023, Sylvain Rheims was an oline guest speaker at our Bonn Epilepsy Seminar. He spoke about the treatment options for tuberous sclerosis and nodular heterotopias. Afterwards, he answered three questions for us about his career, the situation regarding the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy in France, and his research topic.


In Episode 2, Simone Claß and Prof. Dr. Rainer Surges discuss the wide range of treatment options that are available for epileptic seizures and epilepsy.  How do the medications work?  Why is it that epilepsy therapies are very individual in some ways, but not so much in others?  Who is a candidate for epilepsy surgery? (in German)


The new epilepsy podcast from the Department of Epileptology in Bonn is here! Simone Claß and Prof. Dr. Rainer Surges discuss epileptic seizures and epilepsies -  topics range from everyday life and living with the disease to diagnostics and therapy to current research topics within the field. (in German)


On Saturday the 20. August 2022, the 2nd Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Diagnostics and Therapy of Dissociate and Functional Disorders took place at the University Club in Bonn. These disorders are psychiatric disorders that are normally very similar in their symptomatology to neurological disorders, but in which the corresponding "structural" disorders are not actually present.


Dr. med. Michael Wenzel of the Department of Epileptology at the University Hospital Bonn has received a coveted Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). With the associated funding of 1.5 million Euro over the next five years, the neurologist will research new light-activated drugs with antiepileptic effects and investigate how they can help with epilepsies that are difficult to treat.


Online event of the Oskar Killinger Foundation and the KBV Wednesday, 20. October 2021, 14:00 until 16:30 The event will take place via Zoom video conference. Every year, 1 out of 1,000 patients die from Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP). That's about 700 people in Germany alone - every year. SUDEP affects all epilepsy patients, regardless of the severity of the epilepsy and regardless of age. Children, adolescents and young adults are affected just as much as adults.


Prof. Dr. Rainer Surges advises the Oskar Killinger Foundation. stopSUDEP is an initiative of the Oskar Killinger Foundation in Hamburg. The goal of the Foundation is to provide comprehensive education to people with epilepsy, their parents, siblings and friends, caregivers and treating physicians about ways to prevent SUDEP. stopSUDEP is advised on medical matters by Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Surges, Head of the Department of Epileptology at the University Hospital of Bonn.


The Department for Epileptology has redesigned the walls with high-quality photographs featuring motifs from Bonn, the Siebengebirge and the Ahr Valley. The large-format photos behind acrylic glass create a positive atmosphere for patients and staff in the corridors, offices and treatment rooms. Dominik Ketz, born in Bonn in 1974, now lives in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler again. As a professional outdoor photographer, he travels all over the world. For the new pictures in the Clinic and Polyclinic for Epileptology, he was able to stay close to his family and took pictures for us in Bonn and the surrounding area.


The MOND project is currently being launched with the major involvement of the Bonn Department for Epileptology. MOND - Mobile, smart neurosensor system for the detection and documentation of epileptic seizures in everyday life Discreet and convenient - in the MOND project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), a mobile neurosensor system has been under development since April 2020 that can detect and document epileptic seizures in everyday situations with the help of a smartphone and artificial intelligence. The MOND project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Health BMG as part of the funding priority "Digital innovations for improving patient-centred care in healthcare, smart sensor technology".




SAVE THE DATE! The 5th Otto-Löwenstein-Symposium will take place on 16. November 2024, at 09:00 - 15:15 in the University Club Bonn. The program and additional information will be forthcoming soon.


The program for the Winter Semester 2024/2025 is here!  Just as before, the lectures will always take place on a Wednesday from 16:00 -17:30. In addition to the face-to-face event held in our Department, it is also possible to participate via Zoom.


The program for the Summer Semester 2024 is here!  Just as before, the lectures will always take place on a Wednesday from 16:00 -17:30. In addition to the face-to-face event held in our Department, it is also possible to participate via Zoom.


The program for the Winter Semester 2023 / 2024 is here!  Just as before, the lectures will always take place on a Wednesday from 16:00 -17:30. In addition to the face-to-face event held in our Department, it is also possible to participate via Zoom.


SAVE THE DATE! The 4th Otto-Löwenstein-Symposium will take place on 25. November 2023, at 09:00 - 15:15 in the University Club Bonn. The program and additional information will be forthcoming soon.


The Bonn Epilepsy Forum will take place as a patient day in collaboration with the German Epilepsy Association Regional Chapter NRW e. V. on Saturday, October 28, 2023. In easily comprehensible and practical presentations, experts from the clinic will provide patients and their relatives with important medical and psychological information on various aspects of epilepsy.


As part of the Bonn Epilepsy Seminar, an additional event will take place on Wednesday, August 30, 2023. Prof. Daniel Friedman (USA) will present a lecture on the topic, "Novel therapies and trial designs for epilepsy" We look forward to your participation!


The second Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dissociative and Functional Disturbances held by the Department of Epileptology, the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, as well as the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, will take place on Saturday, 20.08.2023 from 09:00 until 15:30.


The program for the Summer Semester 2023 is here! Just as before, the lectures will always take place on a Wednesday from 16:00 – 17:30.  In addition to the in-person event held in our Department, participation is also possible over Zoom.  Please register under .


SAVE THE DATE!!! The 3rd Otto Löwenstein Symposium will be held on November 12, 2022 from 9 am to 3 pm at the Bonn University Club.


The program for the Winter Semester 2022/2023 has been set and is now available. Just as before, the lectures will always take place on a Wednesday, from 16:00 – 17:30. In addition to the in-person event held in our Department, participation is also available over Zoom. Please register under .


SAVE THE DATE! The second Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dissociative and Functional Disturbances of the Clinics and Polyclinics for Epileptology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy as well as Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy will take place on Saturday, 20.08.2022 from 09:00 until 15:30.


In the summer semester 2022, the Bonn Epilepsy Seminar will again take place on several dates. The lectures will always take place on Wednesday from 16:00 -17:30 in the seminar room Penin of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Epileptology. We also offer the lectures as a live stream via Zoom. Registration at


The next lecture as part of the Bonn Epilepsy Seminar in the winter semester 2021/2022 will take place on 19.01.2022. Prof. Dr. Maria Thom from UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, London will speak on the topic of "Neuropathological findings and mechanisms in SUDEP". The seminar can also be followed as a live online stream. Registrations under


Every two years, the Department for Epileptology organises the Otto-Löwenstein-Symposium with internationally renowned experts. The 2nd Otto Löwenstein Symposium will take place on Saturday, 20.11.2021.


The Bonn Epilepsy Forum is a day designed for patients and will be held in cooperation with the Landesverband Epilepsie Selbsthilfe NRW e. V. and take place on Saturday, 06.11.2021. In easy-to-understand, practical presentations, experts from our Department will inform patients and their relatives about important medical and psychological topics that are related to epilepsy.

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