Fell Workgroup - Cortical Oscillations

Juergen Fell Ph.D. M.A.
Head of Workgroup
Tel.: +49 228 287-19343
We investigate the neural correlates of memory, sleep and consciousness. Current research projects, for example, address memory consolidation during sleep and waking state, so-called mind wandering and the modulation of cognitive processes by auditory beat stimulation.
Lab members:
- Leila Chaieb, Ph.D.
- Marlene Derner, Ph.D.
- Jurjen Heij, M.Sc.
- Lucy Schmidt, cand. med.
Current publications (selected):
- Fell J, Chaieb L, Hoppe C (2023) Mind wandering in anxiety disorders: a status report. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 155: 105432.
- Derner M, Reber TP, Faber J, Surges R, Mormann F, Fell J (2023) A key role of the hippocampal P3 in the attentional blink. NeuroImage 271:120028.
- Chaieb L, Krakau S, Reber TP, Fell J (2022) Modulation of mind wandering using monaural beat stimulation in subjects with high trait-level mind wandering. Front Psychol 13: 815442.
- Chaieb L, Hoppe C, Fell J (2022) Mind wandering and depression: a status report. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 133: 104505.
- Derner M, Dehnen G, Chaieb L, Reber TP, Borger V, Surges R, Staresina BP, Mormann F, Fell J (2020) Patterns of single-neuron activity during associative recognition memory in the human medial temporal lobe. Neuroimage 221:117214.
- Cox R, Rüber T, Staresina BP, Fell J (2020) Phase-based coordination of hippocampal and neocortical oscillations during human sleep. Commun Biol 3:176.
- Cox R, Fell J (2020) Analyzing human sleep EEG: A methodological primer with code implementation. Sleep Med Rev 54:101353.
PubMed-listed publications: here
Google Scholar-listed publications: here
Current funding/grants:
- Modulation of mind wandering using auditory beat stimulation (DFG, since April 2023)
- Memory consolidation during sleep and waking state at the level of single neurons in the human medial temporal lobe (DFG/SFB1089, since 2021)
- Interrelation between intracranial EEG, local field potentials and action potentials during memory encoding and retrieval in the medial temporal lobe (DFG/SFB1089, 2017-2021)
- Mediotemporal cross-frequency coupling during sleep and its relevance for memory consolidation (DFG, 2017-2020)
Collaborative Research Consortia/ Scientific Co-operations:
- Collaborative Research Center SFB1089 (Synaptic Micronetworks)