Lehnertz Workgroup - Neurophysics
Head of Workgroup
Tel.: +49 228 287-15864
Our goal is to develop new diagnosis-, treatment- and intervention options for patients with epilepsy and other neurological diseases. In order to do so, we analyse and model complex dynamics of the human brain with different temporal- and spatial-scales with the goal of improving our understanding of normal brain function and the epileptic processes, in particular the genesis, spreading, and cessation of seizures. We also aim to improve existing methods while developing new methods and times series analysis procedures from statistical physics, dynamic systems theory, synchronisation, and network theory and model multi-scale neuronal dynamics on complex networks. For numeric analyses and simulations, a 200 node computer cluster is available.
- Manuel Adams, B. Sc.
- Timo Bröhl, M. Sc.
- Christian Hechler, B. Sc.
- Manuel Lourenco, B. Sc.
- Max Potratzki, B. Sc.
- Dr. Thorsten Rings, M. Sc.
Current Publications (selected):
- Lehnertz K (2024) Time-series-analysis-based detection of critical transitions in real-world non-autonomous systems. Chaos 34:072102
- Tabar MRR, Nikakhtar F, Parkavousi L, Akhshi A, Feudel U, Lehnertz K (2024) Revealing Higher-Order Interactions in High-Dimensional Complex Systems: A Data-Driven Approach. Phys. Rev. X 14:011050
- Potratzki M, Bröhl T, Rings T, Lehnertz K (2024) Synchronization dynamics of Kuramoto oscillators on power grid models. Chaos 34, 043131
- Bröhl T, Rings T, Pukropski J, von Wrede R, Lehnertz K (2024) The evolving epileptic brain network: concepts, definitions, accomplishments, perspectives. Front. Netw. Physiol. 3:1338864.
All publications from the Lehnertz Workgroup are listed: here und here.
- DFG (LE 660/71: Analyse lokaler Eigenschaften zeitlich veränderlicher Interaktionsnetzwerke: Welche Netzwerkkomponenten sind wichtig für die Dynamik?)
- Argelander Grants Universität Bonn (Using complex networks to identify effective containment strategies for the commuter-based spread of COVID-19 in NRW)
Collaborative Research Consortia/ Scientific Co-operations:
- Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für komplexe Systeme (IZKS), Universität Bonn
- Theoretische Physik / Komplexe Systeme, ICBM, Universität Oldenburg (U. Feudel)
- Max Planck Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme Dresden (H. Kantz)
- Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (J. Kurths)