International cooperations
Collaborators in the field of Psychiatric Genomics and Pharmacogenetics (Project PSY-PGx):
- Parnassia Groep BV (NL), Department of Psychiatry
- Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (NL), Groningen Institute of Evolutionarey Life Science & Engineering (Behapp)
- Farmaceutski Fakultet Univerzitetau Beogradu (RS), Faculty of Pharmacy
- Universitatea Babes-Bolyai (RO), Department of Psychology
- Helsinki University, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland FIMM & Department of Public Health
- Universiteit Maastricht (NL), Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology
- Karolinska Institute (SE), Department of Physiology & Pharmacology
- Tel Aviv University (IL), Sackler Faculty of Medicine
- SUNY Upstate Medical University (US), Department of Psychiatry
- King’s College London (UK), Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neurosciences
- Fundacio Clinic per la Recerca Biomedica (ES), Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
- Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks Europe AISBL
- World Psychiatric Association (CH)
Collaborators in the field of ADHD:
- DAIsy project
- TIMESPAN project
- Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior and the University of Groningen
- University of Melbourne
- Prof. Dr. Phil Asherton, King's College London
- As well as cooperation within the ENIGMA consortium
- And cooperation within the Psychiatric Genetic Consortium (PGC ADHD)
Collaborators in the field of Modulation of Stress and Resilience:
- Computational Biology Research Group, Institute of Developmental Biology, Aix-Marseille University, France
Collaborators in the field of molecular and clinical psychotraumatology:
- Maastricht University, Netherlands
Collaborators in the field of neurohomeostasis:
- Dr. Dr. Jens Stepan, Guest Scientist, University Hospital Salzburg
Collaborators in the field of neurovegetative prediction research:
- Klinikum Forchheim - Franconian Switzerland gGmb
Collaborators in the field of chronic depression therapy, CBASP:
- Prof. Dr. JP McCullough, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
- Prof. JK Penberthy, University of Virginia, USA
Collaborators in the field of obsessive-compulsive disorders:
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Jeremiah Scharf, Massachusetts General Hospital
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Papassotiropoulos, Institute for Molecular Psychology, University of Basel
- Prof. Dr. Carol Mathews, University of Southern California
- Prof. Dr. Jonathan Mill, University of Exeter Medical School, UK
- Dr Katie Lunnon, University of Exeter Medical School, UK
- Dr Daniel van den Hove, Maastricht University
- Prof. Dr. Antonio Del Sol, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), Luxembourg