Transkutane Vagusstimulation (rTVNS)

Study: ANAVEX2-73-SF-004
Study title: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, 48-week Phase IIb/III study of the safety and efficacy of ANAVEX2-73 in the treatment of incipient Alzheimer's dementia
Substance: ANAVEX2-73
EudraCT NO: 2019-003302-27
Target group:
- Age between 60 and 85 years patients with mild Alzheimer's dementia or mild cognitive impairment
- Existing reference person/caregiver (more than 10 hours contact/week)
- No serious pre-/accompanying diseases (e.g. stroke)
Treatment duration: 52 weeks
Start: Recruitment completed
Further information:
Contact person:
Mrs. Carmen Sachtleben, Study Coordinator
Mrs. Sybille Fallert-Ouattara
Alzheimer Krankheit/Demenz
Studie: ANAVEX2-73-SF-004
Studientitel: Eine doppelblinde, randomisierte, Placebo-kontrollierte, 48-wöchige Studie der Phase IIb/III zur Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit von ANAVEX2-73 zur Behandlung einer beginnenden Alzheimer-Demenz
Substanz: ANAVEX2-73
EudraCT NO: 2019-003302-27
Behandlungsdauer: 52 Wochen
Beginn: Rekrutierung beendet
Weitere Informationen: