
Internal Medicine II - Cardiology / Angiology / Pulmonology / Intensive Care Medicine

Cardiology has undergone dramatic and very promising changes during the last decade giving hope to many patients who had so far no treatment option. Many exciting new technologies and innovative treatment options have been introduced in clinical routine. At the Department of Cardiology, Angiology and Pneumology we provide world-class diagnostic, treatment, consultation, and follow-up care using stateof-the-art equipment for local, national, and international patients.

Our department places strong emphasis on research and education as the basis for innovative and highest-quality medicine. Experienced clinical and scientifc researchers conduct studies in partnership with many renowned clinics and institutions throughout the world. Our interventional experts are
among the very few physicians worldwide, who are regularly invited to perform highly complex procedures that are live transmitted to the most established interventional meetings, the TCT (Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics) and the JIM (Joint Interventional Meeting).
Our department covers the full spectrum of heart and vascular pathologies, starting with critically ill patients suffering from heart attacks or valvular disease to chronic patients suffering from heart failure or cardiac arrhythmias up to patients seeking for preventive care or in need of a second expert opinion. Furthermore, we provide expert treatment for patients suffering from pulmonary diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, pneumonia, sarcoidosis or pulmonary cancer.

In order to achieve the best possible treatment results we closely cooperate with our partner department of cardiac and thoracic surgery.

Focus of treatment:
» Emergency care
» Chronic care
» Catheterization treatment
» Treatment of arrhythmia
» Treatment of pulmonary disease
» Vascular medicine

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Nickenig

Medical Director of the Department of Internal Medicine II

Prof. Dr. Georg Nickenig

Information regarding migraines

What is migraine?

Migraines are headaches that are not caused by previous illnesses and are therefore classified as primary headaches, along with tension headaches and cluster headaches.

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Information regarding Lyme disease

What is Lyme disease?

Lyme disease (in Europe mainly Lyme borreliosis) is an infectious bacterial disease transmitted by ticks. The most common pathogen in Europe is the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi.

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