Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine
For many people having a family and raising children means a fulfilled and happy life.
As society changes and especially with new opportunities in living and career planing for women, the prolonged life expectation and environmental changes lead to a growing number of couples whose desire for children cannot be easily fulflled. Approximately 10 to 15 percent of couples in the reproductive age suffer from unwanted childlessness.
The University Hospital Bonn is holding a pioneer role in assisted reproduction. It’s our commitment and goal to improve chances for couples to receive a desired child by constant research and clinical service using the most advanced technology and conseling.
Focus of treatment:
» Desire for children
» Hormone disorders
» Maintenance of fertility (desire for children following successful oncologic therapy)
» Repeated miscarriage
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nicole Sänger
Medical Director of the Department of Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine