
Welcome to University Hospital Bonn

In his “Ode to Joy”, Ludwig van Beethoven, the most important son of our city, immortalized the creed of our city and far beyond in the final chorus of his Symphony No. 9. “All people become brothers” – that stands for freedom, peace, and global cooperation, all of which are values that can also be linked to Bonn.  The city is the cradle of the most successful democracy on German soil and thus also stands for the peaceful decades that Europe has experienced since the middle of the last century. It is no coincidence that the Council of Europe and the European Community – today the European Union (EU) – have made the instrumental version of the main theme “To Joy” into the anthem of Europe.

Bonn has also stood for internationality and cosmopolitanism since the Federal Government took up residence here in 1949. In the meantime, Bonn has made a name for itself as the German city of the United Nations with more than 20 UN institutions, all of which are focused on the topic of sustainability and thus on the future of our world. This became particularly clear in November 2017, when up to 20,000 participants met at the World Climate Summit at the World Conference Center in Bonn. A new facet is the strong presence of authorities dealing with cyber security, which is also a highly topical issue.

We invite you to learn about Bonn. We are present at the annual “Tage der Deutschen Einheit”, or Days of German Unity, to show you that although Bonn, with its 330,000 inhabitants, may be a small town, there’s nothing small about it. On the contrary, Bonn is the city for the world of tomorrow, because it is not only at the United Nations, but also in science and business that those topics are researched that will be important for mankind in the future. Bonn University and Bonn University Hospital are in the top positions in national rankings and there are many outstanding professors here.

By the way, the Bonn logo “Freude.Joy.Joie.Bonn.” also stands for the zest for life that is typical of the Rhineland. Experience it for yourself. Take a seat in a street café or a beer garden. Go for a stroll, a jog, or a bike ride along the Rhine. Saunter through the woods or through the large and small shopping streets. Look out for the UN Tower and the Post Tower, Godesburg Castle, and Siebengebirge hills, the gateway to the romantic Rhine. Stroll through the Wilhelmian Südstadt or the spacious Rheinaue Theme Park and the Bundesviertel, which until 1993 was the parliament and government district – in short, enjoy how beautiful it is in Bonn, how livable and cheerful this city can be, how open-minded and colorful.


Ashok Sridharan

The University Hospital Bonn offers a wide range of high-performance medicine. Specialists from different departments (e.g. Heart Center, Breast Center, Center for Integrative Medicine and Neurosurgical Center and many others) cooperate to achieve the best possible medical service for the hospital’s patients.

The University Hospital Bonn has a very good reputation and a high degree of international recognition. In addition, it is nationally and internationally successful in research and teaching in all areas.

The University Hospital Bonn is located on the Venusberg, which is surrounded by forest, beautiful unspoiled nature with a view of the romantic Rhine and close to the city center of Bonn.

In this section you will find information to help you prepare for your stay. If you have further questions, please contact our International Medical Service. Your admission will be planned from here.

International Medical Service Tel: +49 (0) 228 / 287-14465

E-Mail: Enable JavaScript to view protected content.

If you or your relatives are looking for accommodation, Venusberg offers hotels in various price categories.
For further information on hotels in Bonn, please contact the IMS office.

The following parking options are available:

Park here:

Close to:

North Parking Garage
(Parkhaus Nord)

Dermatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, ENT Clinic, Eye Clinic, Surgical Center (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Trauma Surgery, Heart Surgery), Center for Integrative Medicine (Medical Clinic I and III, CIO, Outpatient Surgery), Administration

Parking spots at the Auenbrugger House, Robert-Koch-Straße, and the Eye Clinic

ENT Clinic, Eye Clinic, Auenbrugger House (Psychosomatic Medicine), Nuclear Medicine, Administration

Parking Lot at Main Gate
(Parkplatz an der Hauptpforte)

Blood Donation, Radiology, MRI

Parking lot at Ward 1
(Parkplatz am Bettenhaus 1)

Surgical Center (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Trauma Surgery, Heart Surgery), Center for Internal Medicine (Medical Clinic I and II, Dialysis), Emergency Center, Women’s Hospital

South Parking Garage
(Parkhaus Süd)

Neurocenter (Neurosurgery, Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Epileptology), Domagk House (Psychiatry)


There are other parking facilities spread throughout the grounds, but mostly only for short-term parkers or with very few parking spaces. Disabled parking spaces can be found near all buildings.

What should you pack?

Attention: Please bring sturdy, well-fitting and non-slip shoes (no slippers) and suitable clothing to avoid falls in unknown surroundings!

  • Toiletries
  • Nightwear
  • Robe and slippers
  • Comfortable clothing, e.g. sweatshirt, sweatpants, and tennis shoes

To pass the time, bring books, magazines, MP3 players, games, stationery, etc. (Please also read the section “Valuables”.)
Before a planned operation, we ask you to discuss your medication intake with your attending doctor.

Animals may not enter the hospital for hygienic reasons. This also applies to potted plants because potting soil contains bacteria. Cut flowers are allowed in normal wards, but not in intensive care and isolation wards.

A University hospital must always be prepared for the unpredictable. Emergencies have absolute priority with us. This can sometimes result in longer waiting times for patients who have been summoned. We ask for your understanding.

Please note that the treatment in the emergency center is not carried out according to the order of arrival, but after an initial assessment based on the severity of the clinical picture and the availability of the respective specialist.

Please do not bring any valuables with you! The hospital is not liable for losses. Larger sums of money and valuables can be kept for a longer period of time at the cash desk on the ground floor of the tower building of the Administration building, building 347. Please do not leave any valuables or cash in the drawer of your bedside cabinet.

The ward physician is responsible for your treatment. Before therapy is initiated, a doctor from the ward will conduct a preliminary discussion with you, the so-called anamnesis. The aim of the interview is to identify the background to your illness and to classify your current complaints. Report as openly as possible about the development of your illness: How and when did your complaints start? Do you feel pain? If so, what kind of pain is it? Have similar illnesses occurred in your family, group of friends, or at your workplace? Is there something that is particularly bothering you? Have any examinations been carried out before your admission? If this is the case, inform the doctor during the preliminary consultation and show any relevant documentation if necessary. This also applies to medication you have brought with you. It is in your best interest that medicines are not to be taken without first consulting the ward physician. Incompatibilities with the remedies prescribed by the hospital physician could result.

Please take the opportunity to ask questions: What does my illness mean? What can I contribute to my recovery? How will you treat my illness? Are there alternatives to these treatments? How long am I expected to stay in the hospital, and what treatments will be necessary afterwards? You may want to write down your questions before the interview.

The ward physicians will discuss the individual steps of your therapy with the medical director of the department and his senior physicians. Please have confidence in your doctors and the nursing staff.

It is the duty of our doctors to inform you about the significance, scope, and risks of the treatment. Medical terms are often used in the routine of everyday hospital life. Please ask if anything is unclear. You must give your consent to operations and diagnostic procedures. In a clarification discussion, the doctors treating you will explain the purpose, risks, and possible complications. This also happens if you do not give your consent to the examination.

If you are not proficient in the German language, we recommend that you are accompanied by an interpreter who will provide you with a correct translation of the clarification and preliminary discussion.

Visits to the intensive care and recovery wards are arranged differently. Please contact the ward team for details. All other wards can be visited at the usual times of day. Please be considerate of your fellow patients and take care of yourself.

The nearest bank is the Sparkasse branch at Röttgener Straße 125a in the Ippendorf district (approx. 2 km away).
Opening hours:

  • Mon.-Fri. 9 AM – 1 PM
  • Mon. and Thur. 2 PM – 6 PM
  • Tue., Wed., and Fri. 2 PM – 4 PM

If no diet has been prescribed for you and you do not suffer from allergies or intolerances, you have various choices for all meals:
You can choose from two or three meal options, one of which is ovo-lacto-vegetable (i.e. without meat and fish). Meals without pork are marked with an “M”. We generally do not use alcohol.

Mensa / Venusberg Bistro
Next to the Women’s Clinic, also for patients and visitors
Opening hours: Mon. – Fri. 9 AM – 3 PM, Sat. 12 PM – 4:30 PM

Café BMZ
In the Biomedical Center (across from Bettenhaus I, or Ward I)
Opening hours: Mon. – Fri. 9 AM – 3 PM, Sat., Sun., and holidays 12 PM – 5 PM

Café Dallucci
In the ward of the ENT and Eye Clinic:
Opening hours: Mon. – Fri. 9 AM – 3 PM, Sat. and Sun. 12 PM – 5 PM

In the Neurocenter:
Opening hours: Mon. – Fri. 9 AM – 3 PM, Sat. and Sun. 12 PM – 5 PM

Life & Brain Casino
In the Life&Brain building across from Neurology
Opening hours: Mon. – Fri. 9 AM – 3 PM

In the training building
Opening hours: Mon. – Fri. 9 AM – 3 PM, Sat. and Sun. 12:45 PM – 4:15 PM

Café Mauel
Sigmund-Freud-Str. 22, 53127 Bonn, Tel. 0228/ 96 69 78 73
Opening hours: Mon. – Fri. 6 AM – 6 PM, Sat. 7 AM – 6 PM, Sun. 8 AM – 6 PM

Restaurant Waldau
An der Waldau 50, 53127 Bonn, Tel. 0228/ 28 18 84
Opening hours: Daily from 10 AM to Midnight, Sundays until 6 PM (kitchen 12 PM – 8 PM), closed Mondays

Cafeteria in the Dental Clinic
Opening hours: Mon. – Thur. 9 AM – 3 PM, Fri. 7:15 AM – 2 PM, Sat.-Sun. closed

It is generally forbidden to smoke or light candles in your room, in the wards, on balconies, and in bathroom.

Please inform yourself in advance about the escape routes of your ward using the posted escape and rescue route plans.

Should a fire actually occur, your first step is to keep calm!

Should you discover a fire:

  • Notify the nursing staff immediately
  • Alternatively, activate the fire alarm
  • Bedridden patients have the possibility to place an emergency call via their telephone with the number 2222
  • Do not use any elevators
  • Close windows and doors

If necessary, leave the hospital via the marked escape routes. Do not forget to wake up your fellow patients if they are still sleeping in the event of a fire alarm. Patients who are unable to walk will of course be cared for by our staff.

If you wish to have a hairdresser, you can order the mobile hairdresser of your choice to your room. Please contact the IMS office at 287-14465 or 287-14464 and they will be happy to assist you.

If you have lost something in the ward, please ask the nursing staff first. Lost items within the building are usually handed in at the gate of the respective clinic. Lost items on hospital grounds are the responsibility of the Fundbüro, or lost property office, in the archway of the tower building (Building A01). You can also contact the IMS at 287-14464/65.

The taxi stand is located on Sigmund-Freud-Straße at the level of Parkhaus Nord. Several taxis are always available there. The clinic gatekeeper can order a taxi for you at any time.

Nicotine can severely disturb the healing process. In consideration of your fellow patients and due to the general fire hazard, smoking inside the buildings is strictly prohibited. However, if you cannot completely go without smoking, we ask you to do so only in the areas designated for this purpose.

  • Bakery: Stadtbrotbäcker Rott: Sertürnerstraße 29 Bakery: Mauel: Sertürnerstraße 22
  • Supermarket Netto: Haager Weg 28a (baked goods, drinks, disability-friendly cash register)
  • Cleaning/textile care: Haager Weg 26a, Tel. 0228/ 28 92 94
  • Pharmacy: Venusberg Apotheke: Sertürnerstraße 37, Tel. 0228/ 91 01 50
  • Magazine shop with postal services: Sertürnerstraße 33

The Cash Desk (Kasse)/payment office is located in the tower building of Administration (building 1), ground floor, room 41a.

Opening hours:
Mon. – Fri. 9 AM – 1 PM 

Payment with EC or credit card is possible.

Please bring your medication plan with you during your inpatient stay. Your ward physician will discuss with you whether or which medications you should continue to take during your inpatient stay.

The daily routine in a hospital is often determined by diagnostics and therapy. Sometimes your usual daily routine will change. We ask for your understanding if this disturbs you.
In order to plan your individual care, we are dependent on your assistance. Please inform us about your needs and habits so that we can provide you with the best possible care.

Rounds usually take place in the course of the morning. Afterwards, the doctor’s orders are carried out, i.e. operations, examinations, therapies, bandages, etc.

In the interest of mutual consideration for all patients, visitors, and employees of UCB, we ask you not to use your cell phone if possible.

In specially marked areas, e.g. operating theatres, intensive care units, etc., the use of cell phones is prohibited. When a cell phone is used in such areas, medically necessary equipment can be disturbed by the radio waves. We ask you to take this into account.

Pay phones and card telephones are located in the gate area of the clinics. There are chip card telephones in the patient rooms. Chip cards can be reloaded at the pay machines in the entrance area and taken with you in exchange for a deposit. It is possible to check the account balance and pay out the deposit at any pay machine. The user-oriented guidance of the automatic pay stations with display is multilingual.

The city of Bonn, a former capital and UN city in the heart of Europe, is very versatile and has a long history spanning more than 1,000 years. Bonn has a rich culture in its museums, especially in the museum mile. In addition, the Rhine and its surroundings provide an impressive feel-good experience.

              Fire Department              


              Police                            110              
              Emergency Medical Service                             112              
              IMS Office                            +49 (0) 228 / 287 - 14464              


              +49 (0) 228 / 55555              


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